What is conversion path mapping?

63% of companies lack a structured approach to optimizing their website conversion rates.

Businesses use a strategy called conversion path mapping to build a structured and strategic customer conversion technique that avoids this problem.

A conversion path is the process by which a new website visitor becomes a qualified lead. It includes a website’s call to action, content offer, landing pages, thank you pages, and more to convince users to become loyal customers and make a purchase.

There are several conversion points along the customer’s journey that direct users to a business’s website and convert them into customers.

When you map out these individual conversion points, it’s called conversion path mapping.

Conversion path mapping helps sales and marketing teams better understand how consumers interact with brands, browse products, and make purchases along the customer journey. It identifies where the best interaction points are, so your team can focus on nurturing prospects and leads at those points.

Conversion path mapping can also help you understand the preferences and behaviours of your buyer persona segments, so you can gauge the effectiveness of your digital marketing strategies and make smarter decisions that drive better conversions from qualified leads.

There are several steps you can follow when mapping out conversion points.

  1. Define your target audience.

To understand when visitors convert to leads and customers, you must first understand who you are targeting. Create buyer personas to learn about the behaviours, preferences, and demographics of your target audience.

  1. Establish a goal.

What are you trying to do, and how do you want users to convert? Once you define the goal of performing conversion path mapping, you can start visualizing the interaction points.

  1. What are the pain points of your audience?

You should have the solution to the problem of your buyer persona. Understand how they want their problem solved and what gives them value.

  1. Create a call to action at the conversion point.

What type of call to action should exist? Your audience should complete a certain action at each conversion point. That’s how you know the transaction was successful.

  1. Repeat for the next conversion point.

Once you have these steps mapped out for each conversion point along the customer journey, you’ll have an actionable strategy that can convert more visitors to customers.

If you need help with conversion path mapping to drive more conversion and growth, contact us today.